Wednesday, December 07, 2005

RINO Needs a Rest

There really are only so many ways to say DeLay needs to go, McCain's anti-torture amendment should become law, everyone should drop the overheated rhetoric and get serious about Iraq, we need redistricting reform, etc. etc. etc. I've said them. And I need a rest. It's been a very busy few months for me between blogging, the first term of grad school, and the rest of life. I'm tired.

I'm not giving up. I'll still blog, and probably often. I will continue to sound the call for true and meaningful redistricting reform, and will not keep silent about the continued troubling trends within the Republican Party and across the political world. I just want you all to know why it is that a new post might not show up every single morning before 9 a.m. Keep emailing me your thoughts and ideas - I appreciate them all - and thank you for reading. We've still got much work to accomplish together, and we'll get it done, I have no doubt of that.


At 8:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree Jeremy. Take a well deserved break. The pace has been intense and I know how difficult it is to maintain a posting every day and have a life, and I'm retired. :) Your readers appreciate what yuo write and will savor any entry you make whenver you make them. Merry Christmas.

At 8:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Agreed. Enjoy your time off, JBD. We'll see more of you next year.

At 1:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Take a good rest. This has been one stressful insane year.

At 3:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I went looking for people concerned about the Constitution, and I came across your blog.

Likely enough, President George W Bush is completely oblivious to his accomplishment. So (?) what! He's cleared the way for Constitution Day. And that's what matters.

To go along with Constitution Day as a national holiday, we should have a Pledge for Constitutional Allegiance. Anyway, you can gather the entire story by clicking on the below U.R.L, specifically,

At 3:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh no. Advertising! Run!

At 5:09 PM, Blogger Carol Gee said...

JBD, I will check back often, for school news about you and for whatever you think is important from the wider world. Peace. . .

At 4:49 PM, Blogger Dennis Sanders said...

I'm on "vacation" as well. Have a good break.

At 6:24 PM, Blogger Alan Stewart Carl said...

As a centrist blogger who retired after only 6 months, I admire your ability to keep this going even part-time. I think us centrists/moderates are just too danged practical and generally level-headed to keep up the kind of manic writing pace displayed by the more partisan blogs. Sites like Daily Kos and Powerline seem to have an inexaustible supply hot air. But if you're not spewing hot air (and you never have), it's much easier to find yourself deflated.

Enjoy the break. You deserve it.

At 8:08 PM, Blogger Danielle Solzman said...

Enjoy your vacation.


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