Wednesday, September 27, 2006

A Few Good Links

Sorry for the slow-posting, it's been busy and yesterday all Google sites were on strike for me so when I finally did have time to write, I couldn't. Anyway, here are some links I've read lately that I thought might be of interest:

- In today's New York Times, it sounds to me like the Administration's shenanigans continue on the detainee treatment bill; there were some mysterious "technical changes" made over the weekend that seem a little fishy.

- John Bolton's confirmation to as UN Ambassador is dead ... again. Steve Clemons at The Washington Note - by far the greatest and most effective spokesman for the Bolton opposition since day one - has the scoop. Clemons had another great post recently too, on Linc Chafee's refusal to confirm Bolton and the need for more strong centrists of both parties in the Senate.

- Over at Maverick Views (awhile ago, sorry), Alan discusses the "vital center", and concludes there's no such thing. This is a really excellent post about a topic that I find it hard to get my head around. Don't miss this one. Amba has a followup which I also recommend.


At 9:00 AM, Blogger Meras said...

Thanks, for the links:)!


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