Thursday, April 07, 2005

Oh Wait, You Meant 'That' Memo?

Remember that memo that made the rounds during the Schiavo case, the one calling the matter a "great political issue" for Republicans? Remember how the right-wing blogs and press started going after the memo as some kind of "Democratic dirty trick"? Remember how the Washington Times reported that all 55 Republican senators said they had "never seen" the memo?

Even if you don't remember all those things, the mystery has finally been solved. In a front-page Washington Post story today, Mike Allen reveals that the memo was composed by one Brian H. Darling, a 39-year old former lobbyist who was (until yesterday) legal counsel to ... Republican Senator Mel Martinez of Florida. Darling has of course submitted his resignation, which was "immediately accepted."

Martinez told the Post that he had been assured by his staff that his office was not the source of the memo. ""I never did an investigation, as such. I just took it for granted that we wouldn't be that stupid. It was never my intention to in any way politicize this issue." Sure ya didn't, Senator. Martinez went on to say that he "never read" the memo, just passed it to Democrat Tom Harkin (Iowa) who was in agreement with Martinez on the action taken by the Senate. Martinez says the transfer was inadvertent, saying that he thought he was giving Harkin a different (official) staff memo on the issue. Harkin says that Martinez told him the memo was "some talking points -- something we're working on here."

Senator Martinez said in a statement: "This type of behavior and sentiment will not be tolerated in my office. As the senator, I am ultimately responsible for the work of my staff and the product that comes out of this office. I take full responsibility for this situation."

Better late than never, I guess.

Joshua Micah Marshall notes, "To me, though, the folks who really deserve to be tarred and feathered over this are the almost criminally fatuous commentators and reporters who wrote up stories suggesting the memo was actually a dirty trick by the Democrats, a false flag operation meant to make the Republicans look bad." Wonder what they'll be saying today!?

I'll keep you posted.


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