Monday, May 16, 2005

Virtual March to Stop Global Warming

I got an email this afternoon from former (and future?) presidential candidate Wes Clark encouraging me to join the "Virtual March to Stop Global Warming" campaign, which describes itself as "a bi-partisan effort to bring all Americans together in one place, proving there is a vast consensus among Americans that global warming is here now and it is time for our country to start addressing it."

The Virtual March was inaugurated on March 25 of this year, and will go until Earth Day, 2006. Its goals, as outlined on the March web page, are threefold: pushing the president to "initiate a real plan of action to address global warming"; Congress to "enact new laws to reduce global warming pollution from U.S. power plants, factories and automobiles"; and businesses to "to start a new industrial revolution of clean energy products that will reduce our oil dependence and global warming pollution."

Some of those already involved with the effort include Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Senator John McCain, General Wes Clark, and comedian Larry David. More than 10,000 others have already signed on to this effort. You can join by clicking here.

As with the mayors' efforts that I blogged about on Saturday, every little bit helps, and the more efforts like this that spring up, the more likely we are to be able to actually make a difference. It is cooperative steps like this, that can bring together people of all political persuasions who agree that global warming is an issue that shouldn't be ignored, that will eventually lead to meaningful change in our political process and the adoption of sensible, practical solutions to the problems we face as a nation and a world.


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