Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Katrina's Budgetary Impact

As we move forward into the fall, it's going to be incredibly important for bloggers and other commentators out here to remind Congress that decisions it's going to be making about spending, taxes, and other fiscal matters aren't happening in a vacuum. As the New York Times reports on Thursday, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office issued a memo (here in PDF) concluding that Katrina's impact could have a significant impact on jobs and overall economic trends well into the future. Fiscal responsibility and sensible spending habits are going to be more important now than they've ever been.


At 10:09 AM, Blogger Jes said...

Exactly! Aren't we spending over a 1 billion dollars a day in Iraq....?

At 1:45 PM, Blogger Minnesota Central said...

Hopefully Congress will learn from the mistakes in Iraq.
#1. Watch who gets the money and insure that it goes for what it was intended.
There have been reports on missing funds that no one is investigating. Also considering the dollars requested for Halliburton overpriced services, there is great potential for fraud, corruption and patronage. Need a strong oversight committee.

#2. Get Jobs Programs to the states where the people have been moved.
When the Iraq Army was dismantled it left people without work and lawlessness resulted. As people are moved to other states, they need to become part of productive society – whether the people are professional, tradesman, or unskilled, the sooner they are doing useful work, they will adjust to their new environment.
McPherson Hall


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