Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Dole on the Nuclear Option

With word today from the Times that Frist & Co. might "quicken their push to prevent Democratic filibusters of judicial nominees," with possible deployment of the nuclear option within the next two weeks, this RINO is glad to hear that some more responsible Republicans are weighing in against such a disastrous move.

Former Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole (who, by the way, did very well on last night's "Daily Show") on NPR's "Morning Edition" yesterday (the interview is available here) said regarding judicial confirmations "you have to be very careful ... you want to think down the road. The Senate's going to change. It's not always going to be Republican."

At the rate Frist & Co. are going, the chances of that happening sooner rather than later are increasing by the day.


At 10:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...




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