Saturday, April 16, 2005

Hagel Starting to Waver?

The LA Times reported today that Chuck Hagel's support for the Bolton nomination maybe, just maybe, is starting to crack. This after word yesterday that Rexon Ryu, a former State Department analyst who now works for Hagel, was transferred to another position after drawing Bolton's wrath. Hagel spokesman Mike Buttry said that Hagel is "likely to be supportive" of the Bolton nomination, "but he needs to be assured there are not additional serious areas of concern." I for one am not sure that any such assurances can be taken at face value.

The Times article goes on to note that Foreign Relations Committee Dems are investigating up to five other incidents "in which Bolton's demeanor toward State Department subordinates has been questioned".

Steve Clemons suggests there's more on the way, and that we should all stay tuned into this story.


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