Friday, August 19, 2005

Potts Watch: A "Radical" Notion

The Washington Post editorial page today has a good look at the state of things in Virginia politics:

"Virginia's gubernatorial ballot this November will include one Democrat, one Republican and one radical. The radical is H. Russell Potts Jr., a veteran Republican state senator from Winchester running as an independent. What distinguishes him from the major-party candidates and makes him the radical of this political season in Virginia is his rather quaint insistence on explaining just how he plans to pay for the programs and priorities he has identified. That may not sound like a fringe position, but in the current field it is positively revolutionary. In other words, Mr. Potts -- variously dismissed as quirky, temperamental and lacking in gubernatorial bearing -- is the only candidate bothering to level with Virginia voters."

The editorial goes on to discuss how Potts is being shut out of the campaign's debates by the machinations of Republican Jerry Kilgore's campaign (with the acquiescence of the debate organizers and Democrat Tim Kaine), and concludes

"Whether he would make a capable governor is an open question, but Virginians will not be able to assess his candidacy without an opportunity to see him at close range. Mr. Potts is hardly a fringe figure: A four-term state senator, he chairs the Senate's Education and Health Committee and sits on the powerful Finance Committee. He deserves to be heard, as does his message."

Exactly. Let the voters of Virginia decide.

Potts' campaign has more news articles and editorials up on their website.


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