Monday, September 12, 2005

Bush: Congress Should Investigate

In New Orleans again today, President Bush "said Congress should consider whether the federal government should have more authority to step into disaster areas without a request from the states. He said lawmakers should examine what happened and make recommendations for change so the government can prepare for future disasters, including the possibility of a biological attack," according to the AP.

I agree, and I'm glad he's decided to realize that changes are necessary. However, as I've written before, an independent investigation is necessary here. Bush's statement is important though; this may be the first time he's admitted that we're not "as prepared as we possibly can be" for future attacks, whether natural or man-made.


At 1:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read it as buck-passing. I think he had more than sufficient authority to do so under the Stafford Act.

But it's about the competent exercise of authority, not the lack of it.

At 7:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I caution over-reacting on this one. I am very concerned already as to giving the Federal Gov't more control over States rights. I agree with other's comments that we should wait for a truly independent investigation on this matter and the sooner the better. I have stated previously that Gov. Blanco screwed up and should be removed. However, even behind her incompetence was a worry over turning this over to the Fed Gov't and those reasons should be explored as they may actually have some validity. What were her concerns is the question and were they realistic and based upon facts or fiction. Joe Scarlborough had first hand experience of the incompetence of all in New Orleans, as he chided in his broadcast on MSNBC last night. It was frightening to hear that relief was turned away including California responders who had Communications devices that would have helped the New Orleans police set up command and control and save more lives.


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