Saturday, August 13, 2005

Sunday Show Guests

It's Zalmay Khalilzad's turn to attempt a rare Sunday-morning quadrifecta (not a word, I know) this week: Khalilzad (the American ambassador to Iraq) is scheduled to appear on Meet the Press (NBC), Fox News Sunday, This Week (ABC) and Late Edition (CNN) to discuss the new Iraqi constitution (which is supposed to be drafted before Monday).

The almost-always-present Senator Joe Biden (D-DE) will be the other guest on Meet the Press, to be followed by a panel discussion with WaPo columnist E.J. Dionne and Byron York of National Review.

Face the Nation (CBS) this weekend features DNC Chairman Howard Dean (always a good prospect for a sound-bite or two). John Harris of the Washington Post joins Schieffer in the questioning.

Senator John McCain (R-AZ, Gang of 14) will be on Fox News Sunday probably right before Khalilzad, and the panel there will consist of Charles Krauthammer, Nina Easton, Bill Kristol, and host Chris Wallace. Another one who's almost always worth watching.

Late Edition
has a large lineup this week, since it's gotten to be at least two hours long. I think CNN is testing us to see just how much Wolf Blitzer we can take before the entire country explodes. Along with Khalilzad, the show will feature Senators Richard Lugar (R-IN), Chair of the Foreign Relations Committee and Bill Nelson (D-FL); Israeli Vice-premier Shimon Peres and Palestinian Foreign Minister Nasser al-Kidwa; former Secretary of Defense Bill Cohen and former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger.

This Week goes the non-political route this week except for Khalilzad - they'll have Tour de France winner Lance Armstrong and Thomas Hoving, a former director of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. The roundtable over there includes George Will, Fareed Zakaria, and Martha Raddatz.


At 6:35 PM, Blogger JBD said...

I agree, Phil. I think the arbitrary deadline was unfortunate, and I suspect you're right in the end it will not be a helpful to have done.


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