Sunday, June 05, 2005

Update on Efforts to Combat Climate Change

By way of a follow-up to this post from last month, just a brief update on the Virtual March to Stop Global Warming. As of this morning, 18,460 people have signed onto the effort: some recent new well-known participants include California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, Senator Joe Lieberman, San Fransisco mayor Gavin Newsom, and former Republican congressman Pete McCloskey. You can "follow the march" here, and join the effort by signing up here.

As for Seattle major Greg Nickels' US Mayors Climate Protection Agreement (which I first blogged about here), two more mayors signed at the end of last week, bringing the total so far to 158.

[Update: The US Mayors effort, along with the plan announced last week by Gov. Schwarzenegger, gets some major press in Monday's Christian Science Monitor, with a long feature article by Mark Sappenfield. -- 10:17 p.m.]


At 6:56 PM, Blogger Kal said...

Don't forget Governor Romney's Climate Protection Plan, which came out last year.

Here's a link:

nice to see another moderate republican out there...

At 10:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any idea where one can find the list of mayors who have signed up??
I can't seem to see it on the March website??

At 10:39 PM, Blogger JBD said...

Phils, here's the list.


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